Flea Protection Program |
- Flea eggs can stay dormant for up to two years before latching.
- Fleas can jump up to 150 times the length of their bodies.
- A female Flea consumes 15 times its body weight in blood daily
- During the egg and pupa stages, fleas are naturally protected from insecticides, making it more difficult to treat an infestation.
- Fleas are attracted to animals by body heat, their movement and the carbon dioxide animals exhale.
- Adult fleas spend 90% of their lives feeding, mating, and laying eggs on pets.
- Trim lawns and weeds to create a drier unfavorable environment for flea larvae.
- Wash all pet bedding in hot water, or dispose of it if necessary.
- Have your pet treated by a Veterinarian on the same day we come out to treat your home, this will assist in the effectiveness of the flea treatment.
- Vacuum all floors and upholstery, including hard wood and tile floors. This will remove many flea larvae, pupae and adult fleas. Remove the vacuum bags and dispose of them outside of the house in a sealed plastic bag.